Monday, January 07, 2008

Williams Sonoma

I went to one of Williams Sonoma's Technique classes yesterday. The classes are kind of fun and they're free, so why not! I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy this one because it was cooking with citrus, which was a salmon dish.

I'm not a huge seafood fan. I love shrimp, kind of like scallops and can eat a little lobster and crab, but that is about it. We had a fish fry with the guys Matt goes up to Lake Caribou in Armstrong Ontario Canada (Forrest Lodge this is where they stay, it's awesome according to them) with, and I liked a couple of those, but some were not my favorite! Here's a shot from Justin who we work with and went on the fishing trip this year.
Oh, since I'm posting, here's us eating S'mores that Justin's wife Amanda made for us. Boy was that good!

So, back to the story. The salmon was really good, so I decided I was going to attempt to make this for Matt & Nadine. I can't find the receipe on their website, but here's what it looked like when finished.

Well, it was semi-successful! Matt said I should have cooked it just a little longer!

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