Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Important People

I came across this picture not to long ago. I could say so many things about this picture! First the obvious, do we look hilarious or what? It was 13 years ago when this was taken, so cut me some slack! That is Matt over there looking all studly!

But the best thing about finding this picture is the memory of Mrs Fike. I have a lot of emotions for her. She passed away several years ago, and I never really took the time to thank her for doing some great things for me.

She was the mother of one of my best friends. My parents were pretty unstable all my life. I attended 4 different schools by the time I hit 6th grade. From 6th grade until my Senior year, we lived in the same city. Ah, stability! My Step-Dad found a job on the other side of the STATE in my senior year. How depressing is that? Well, several families offered to let me live with them to finish, but ultimately, I went with the Fike's. That was November of my senior year. So for those 8 months, I really felt like I was living in a fabulous home with a fabulous family. They were community leaders, active in church, active at school, just your super involved family. I loved it!

I think it was hard on my parents though. I almost didn't move at the end of the school year. I really wanted to just get an apartment and go to school. But my Mom was so upset, saying she needed me to be with her, so I moved the day after graduation.

Anyway, back to Mrs Fike. She really was a great lady and I think one of the things I took away from her was showing dedication to my daughter and her education. I try to be involved in as many school activities as I can. I really think this helps keep your kids on the ball and stay out of trouble.

So Mrs Fike, I know I'm not one of your actual children, but thanks for being there for me when I needed it and thanks for helping to shape me into who I am today!

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