So we've gotten past the ugly part of fighting. As a parent, sometimes you have to step back and let your child go. Thinking back to when she was little, you have so much control. You have to keep them safe, most important, but you can "steer" them in the direction that you feel is the best.
But man when they become young adults it is a whole new story. They know everything and you couldn't possibly tell them different. So right now, we're just sitting back crossing our fingers hoping she will figure out what is really the right decision for her and not mess up too badly!
*sigh* Who knew parenting was going to be this hard?
You are taking the right approach by watching her, knowing that you have raised her the right way.
i am not looking forward to tyler and isabel turning 17. i am going to have to be sedated.
Well, I really have no idea who the Stepaniak's are, but I am on their blogroll and YOU are on theirs. I wanted to comment on your post here. I could go on and on about teen girls. UGH! But, stick to your guns... you sound like a very caring and loving parent who has a lot of foresight and can see where things are going.
Our kids sometimes are hard to reach, but in those dark nights, when they are laying in bed, they listen to everything that was said to them by their parents. They really do. I have five kids.... daughters 24, 22, 18, 15 and a boy age 9. My girls have all told me that even though they told me mean things or that they acted like they didn't care, they really did and were very grateful that I had talked to them.
Well... how's that for a short novel of my thoughts? Sorry, but I enjoyed your post and really want to also tell you that I am 40 something and still have all those same issues, to some degree.
Be grateful that your daughter had her grandparents home to fall back on. I guess she could have gone to the boyfriends home that night.
Visit my blog and you will see all the girl drama that will last a life time.
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